2011, September 17th - November 17th, Centres d'art Nei Liicht & Dominique Lang, Luxembourg.
With Sneja D, Claire Decet, Christoph Meier, Leonora Bisagno, Catherine Lorent, Leif Elggren, Samuel François, Sébastien Maloberti, Claudia Passeri, The Sons of God,
Brigitte Zieger, Marion Auburtin and Benjamin L.Aman.
a b
c d
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i j
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m n
o p
q u
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z aa
a - Brigitte Zieger, Eye Dust 11, 2010, eye-shadow with glitter on paper, 170 x 175 cm.
b - Brigitte ZIeger, Eye Dust, (view of the exhibition).
c - Samuel François, Untitled (I lost my friends), 2011, aerosol paint on broken frame, 120 x 160cm.
d - Samuel François, left: Untitled (Sleep Desorders), 2011, metallic shelves, 188 x 80 x 400 cm. / right: Untitled (searching for heaven), 2011, acrylic on paper, 120 x 160 cm.
e - Samuel François + Benjamin Laurent - Aman.
f & g - Benjamin Laurent-Aman, Pale Blue Sky, 2011, collage on paper, 50 x 70 cm.
h: Christoph Meier, Ohne Titel (David), 2009, steel, MDF, plastic, fluorescent lamps, 60 x 40 x 90 cm / Ohne Titel (Stehlampe), 2008, steel, fluorescent lamps, 160 x 70 x 60 cm / Ohne Titel (NV),
2008, c-print, unique,
100 x 80 cm.
i: Christoph Meier, Japan, 2011, glas, steel, cardboard, electroluminescent
sheet, lamp, 50 x 50 x 122,5 cm / Ohne Titel, 2010, c-print, 123,5 x 165 cm
/ Ohne Titel (Marcel),
2009, chair, newspaper, compact fluorescent lamp, 90 x 56 x 78,5 cm / Ohne Titel (David), 2009, steel, MDF, plastic, fluorescent lamps, 60 x 40 x 90 cm.
j - Sneja D. - ISO pop corn – 2nd Generation human designed pop corn, 2010 video installation, performance, soundtrack Elisabeth Flunger.
k - Claudia Passeri, Gibigiane, 2010, embroidered curtain.
l - Benjamin Laurent - Aman, The Party, 2011, sound and light installation.
m - Marion Auburtin, La chambre de la Soupirante, 2011, wall paper and painting.
n - Marion Auburtin, La Soupirante, oil and acrylic on canvas, 70 x 100 cm.
o - Marion Auburtin (left) + Claire Decet (right).
p - Marion Auburtin, Mario, 2011, oil canvas, hand mirror, piece of furniture.
q - Claire Decet, Sleep Disorder, 2011, oil on canvas, 130 x 160 cm.
u - Leonora Bisagno, Lullaby, 2009, 00:00:28 loop, video.
r - Sébastien Maloberti, 2011 Sound installatioTomorrow's tryptich, ink and spray on paper, 230 x 112 cm.
s - Sébastien Maloberti, Purple dispatching, 2011, various materials, water, sugar.
t - The Sons of God, The sons of god perform a Miracle, 2007, video screaming, featuring Amit Sen and Pär Thörn Hammenhög, Sweden, (9,31) + Claire Decet, Landschaft, 2011, dry flowers, clay, plastic.
u - View of the corridor (Leonora Bidagno + living room).
v - The Living Room.
w -The Bed of The Living Room.
x - The Bed of The Living Room before the performances of Leif Elggren.
z - Leif Elggren, Emanuel Swedenborg (on the bed) and King Carolus XII (on the floor).
aa - The Living Room before the performances of Leif Elggren and Benjamin Laurent - Aman.
bb - Opening: Performances of Leif Elggren and Benjamin Laurent - Aman.
cc - Opening: Performance of Leif Elggren.
dd - Finissage: Performance of Catherine Lorent aka Gran Horno.
Photo credits: Gudrun Bechet, Marion Auburtin & Benjamin Laurent-Aman